

Coca Cola went to town
Pepsi Cola shot him down
Dr. Pepper fixed ‘em up
Now we’re drinking Seven Up
Seven Up got the flu
Now we’re drinking Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew fell off a mountain
Now we’re drinking from a fountain
Somehow the fountain broke
Now we’re drinking Cherry Coke
Cherry coke lost its cherry
Now we're drinking Logan Berry
Logan Berry said 'oh dear'
Now we're drinking Rootbeer
Rootbeer had a stroke, and
Now we're back to drinking Coke

Walks into a bar(:

A black man walks into a bar. A white man says, “No coloured people allowed in here!” The black man says, “I’m born black. When I’m freezing, I’m black. When I’m sick, I’m black. When I’m dead, I’m black. When YOU are born, you’re pink. When you’re freezing,you’re blue, When you get embarrassed, you’re red. When you’re dead,you’re purple, and you’re calling me coloured?” reblog this if you’re against racism.

Poop, shut-up, and Manners

There's three men driving on the highway, Poop, Shutup, and Manners
(Shut up is driving)
Shut up starts speeding, and Poop flys out the door
Manner jumps out to fetch him
Shut up is then pulled over by a cop, who asks
"What's your name?"
"Shut up," Shut up replies.
"Now, I'm gonna ask again, son, what is your name?" The policeman asks.
"Shut up," Shut up replies.
"Where are your manners?" The policeman asks.
"Up on mainstreet pickin' up Poop!"